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1 point

Having more healthcare workers such as nurse practitioners and physician assistants will make the work day of physicians less stressful. Their work day would not be as overloaded with patient visits. Physicians having less patients would allow them to focus more on the patients they do see instead of rushing through the visits to move on to the next patients, therefore giving their patients better treatment.

1 point

If small business employees are provided with good health insurance, they will maintain better health therefore missing less work.

1 point

Healthcare workers usually don't want to work in areas where money is scarce such as in southwest Virginia. By not having healthcare workers in certain areas, it causes people to travel long distances to receive the proper healthcare they need. People who are unable to travel long distances are not receiving proper healthcare, therefore they are more likely to have untreated illnesses possibly causing them to die at younger ages. The healthcare reform would put healthcare workers in areas where they are needed allowing all people to receive proper healthcare.

1 point

I agree 100% in that small business's do not get the credit they deserve. Small business's are the under dog's that contribute a great ton to the work force, and receive the least amount of credit in return. I believe the reform changes would make a positive change for all the small business's also, and I believe it is a necessary change that needs to be done. Currently with the way it is set up now small business's are needing a break. With the reform the employee's of these small business will be able to receive better benefits thus increasing productivity and work environment. These small changes will make the world of difference in the small business industry.

1 point

Small business owners

Small businesses don't get the credit they deserve. They make up for at least 25% of business growth. Small businesses employ less staff yet incur higher costs due to administrative fees, marketing, and hikes in insurance. Higher taxes take money away for plans to expand or make other investments. Higher taxes also takes away the ability for employers to offer health insurance to their workers. This leaves small business owners having to lower wages of their employees which in turn causes highly skilled people to often seek employment elsewhere.

Under reform exchanges in small business would allow employees to choose from multiple health plans with better coverage and lower costs. It would also give small business owners a tax credit in which they can offer health insurance to their employees and use the credit to pay the premium costs.

Reform for small businesses would mean tax equality between group and individual plans. 2) Defined continued option in which employers can donate a dollar pretaxed for employees to purchase their own individual health insurance 3) small businesses would be able to combine with other businesses across state lines to find the best insurance at the best prices, 4) portability would allow workers to keep their current health insurance if they seek employment elsewhere, and 5) medical liability reform would mean a reduction in healthcare costs.

When small business employers are able to provide good benefits for their employees (insurance and decent wages), turnover rate is decreased, people are willing to come to work and be more productive. Health care reform for small businesses would benefit them greatly.

NFIB os small business owners

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